Laboratory compressor machines

505 times

Training laboratory of compressor machines (1-05_1)
Lecture hall, educational laboratory
Area: 76.1 m2
Number of seats: 25
Number of places for laboratory classes: 12
The laboratory contains: 2 didactic stands, 5 computers for processing information and performing practical tasks, equipment models
Discipline: Machine-building hydraulics (equipment layouts)
Discipline: Vane hydraulic and pneumatic machines and hydraulic transmissions (equipment layouts)
Discipline: Compressor machines (2 didactic stands, equipment models)

With the financial support of the "NICMAS" concern, the newest laboratory for the study and research of compressor machines was created. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment for lectures and practical classes. Two modern compressor units were installed: compressor station BB 3.5/10 U2 - intended for pneumatic systems of railway transport; compressor station PKS 1.75 - used to power pneumatic tools in industry, during construction and road repair works.
Both stations are equipped with the necessary measuring equipment, which allows conducting laboratory work to determine a number of characteristics of compressor machines. To measure air flow, a gas meter is additionally installed at the outlet of the compressor stations. Also, students can familiarize themselves with the structure of compressor station systems and the construction of compressor parts and assemblies using samples provided by JSC "NVAT VNDI Kompressormash" (Sumy) and JSC "Poltava Turbomechanical Plant" (Poltava).

Last modified on Sunday, 16 October 2022 19:58


Address: 03056, Ukraine, Kiev, prosp.Peremohy, 37, building 1, appartment 299

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