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4Щоб Ваш наукова праця бла в базі SCOPUS, варто відстежувати не тільки видання, які включені і індексуються базою, а й інформацію про те, які журнали виключили з наукометричної бази. Як показують останні дані, виключити можуть навіть журнал видавництва Elsevier (Elsevier: Urban und Fischer | ISSN 0415-6412).
У вересні 2017 на офіційному сайті Elsevier оновили список з 297 журналів, які виключені з SCOPUS.

Даний перелік представляємо для Вашого користування:

1. Academic Journal of Cancer Research

2. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (P-ISSN 1095-6298 | E-ISSN 1528-2678 )

3. Acta Endoscopica (P-ISSN 0240-642X | E-ISSN 1958-5454)

4. Actual Problems of Economics (P-ISSN 1993-6788 | - ) 

5. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology (P-ISSN 2042-4868 | E-ISSN 2042-4876) 

6. Advanced Materials Letters (P-ISSN 0976-3961 | E-ISSN 0976-397X)

7. Advanced Materials Research (P-ISSN 1022-6680 | E-ISSN 1662-8985)

8. Advanced Studies In Theoretical Physics (P-ISSN 1313-1311 | E-ISSN 1314-7609) 

9. African Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa) (P-ISSN 1994-8220 | - )

10. African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines (P-ISSN 0189-6016 | E-ISSN2505-0044 )

11. Alergie (P-ISSN 1212-3536 | E-ISSN 1212-687X) 

12. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science (P-ISSN 1557-4989 | E-ISSN 1557-4997) 

13. American Journal of Applied Sciences (P-ISSN 1546-9239 | E-ISSN 1554-3641) 

14. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (P-ISSN 2150-4210 | E-ISSN 2150-4253) 

15. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development (P-ISSN 2150-427X | E-ISSN 2150-4296)

16. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 1941-7039)

17. American Journal of Environmental Sciences (P-ISSN 1553-345X | E-ISSN 1558-3910)

18. American Journal of Food Technology (P-ISSN 1557-4571 | E-ISSN 1557-458X) 

19. American Journal of Immunology (P-ISSN 1553-619X | E-ISSN 1558-3775) 

20. American Journal of Infectious Diseases (P-ISSN 1553-6203 | E-ISSN 1558-6340) 

21. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology (P-ISSN 1557-4962 | E-ISSN 1557-4970) 

22. American Journal of Plant Physiology (P-ISSN 1557-4539 | E-ISSN 1557-4547) 

23. Anthropologist (P-ISSN 0972-0073 | - )

24. Applied Computing Conference – Proceedings

25. Applied Mathematical Sciences (P-ISSN 1312-885X | E-ISSN 1314-7552)

26. Applied Mechanics and Materials (P-ISSN 1660-9336 | E-ISSN 1662-7482) 

27. Archives of Clinical Microbiology ( - | E-ISSN 1989-8436) 

28. Archivos de Medicina ( - | E-ISSN 1698-9465) 

29. Asian Agri-History (P-ISSN 0971-7730 | - )

30. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research (P-ISSN 1819-1894 | - )

31. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (P-ISSN 1683-9919 | - )

32. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences (P-ISSN 1819-1878 | - )

33. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (P-ISSN 1996-3343 | - )

34. Asian Journal of Biochemistry (P-ISSN 1815-9923 | - )

35. Asian Journal of Cell Biology (P-ISSN 1814-0068 | - )

36. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences (P-ISSN 1819-1886 | E-ISSN 2152-3509)

37. Asian Journal of Information Technology (P-ISSN 1682-3915 | E-ISSN 1993-5994)

38. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care (P-ISSN 2250-1444 | E-ISSN 2250-1460)

39. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology (P-ISSN 1819-1541 | - )

40. Asian Journal of Poultry Science (P-ISSN 1819-3609 | - )

41. Asian Social Science (P-ISSN 1911-2017 | E-ISSN 1911-2025)

42. Biology and Medicine ( - | E-ISSN 0974-8369)

43. Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (P-ISSN 0973-1245 | - )

44. BioTechnology: An Indian Journal (P-ISSN 0974-7435 | - )

45. Blyttia (P-ISSN 0006-5269 | E-ISSN 1894-3985)

46. Bolest (P-ISSN 1212-0634 | E-ISSN 1212-6861)

47. Canadian Journal of Geriatrics (P-ISSN 1718-1879 | - )

48. Carbon Science and Technology ( - | E-ISSN 0974-0546)

49. Cardiology (Pakistan) (P-ISSN 1811-8194 | E-ISSN 1993-6117)

50. Communications In Applied Analysis (P-ISSN 1083-2564 | - )

51. Contemporary Engineering Sciences (P-ISSN 1313-6569 | E-ISSN 1314-7641)

52. Corporate Board Role Duties and Composition (P-ISSN 1810-8601 | E-ISSN 2312-2722)

53. Corporate Ownership and Control (P-ISSN 1727-9232 | E-ISSN 1810-3057)

54. Current Neurobiology (P-ISSN 0975-9042 | E-ISSN 0976-1705)

55. Current Research In Tuberculosis (P-ISSN 1819-3366 | E-ISSN 2152-3363)

56. Der Pharma Chemica ( - | E-ISSN 0975-413X)

57. Der Pharmacia Lettre ( - | E-ISSN 0975-5071)

58. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur (P-ISSN 0415-6412 | E-ISSN 1439-4359)

59. Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz (P-ISSN 1861-7603 | - )

60. Diversity & Equality in Health and Care (P-ISSN 2049-5471 | - )

61. Dynamic Systems and Applications (P-ISSN 1056-2176 | - )

62. Dynamische Psychiatrie (P-ISSN 0012-740X | - )

63. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ( - | E-ISSN 1089-3032)

64. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research (P-ISSN 1308-772X | - )

65. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies (P-ISSN 1308-7711 | - )

66. English Language Teaching (P-ISSN 1916-4742 | E-ISSN 1916-4750)

67. Entrepreneurial Executive (P-ISSN 1087-8955 | E-ISSN 1939-4667)

68. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences (P-ISSN 1450-2275 | - )

69. European Journal of Scientific Research (P-ISSN 1450-202X | - )

70. European Journal of Social Sciences (P-ISSN 1450-2267 | - )

71. Familiendynamik (P-ISSN 0342-2747 | - )

72. Farmaceuticky Obzor (P-ISSN 0014-8172 | - )

73. Farmacevtski Vestnik (P-ISSN 0014-8229 | - )

74. Formalized Mathematics (P-ISSN 1426-2630 | E-ISSN 1898-9934

75. Foundations of Chemistry (P-ISSN 1386-4238 | E-ISSN 1572-8463)

76. Frontiers (P-ISSN 0160-9009 | E-ISSN 1536-0334)

77. Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo (P-ISSN 1593-6104 | - )

78. Global Journal of Pharmacology (P-ISSN 1992-0075 | - )

79. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (P-ISSN 0973-1768 | E-ISSN 0973-9750)

80. Global Media Journal (P-ISSN 1550-7521 | - )

81. Global Veterinaria (P-ISSN 1992-6197 | E-ISSN 1999-8163)

82. Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe (P-ISSN 0176-1625 | - )

83. Head and Neck Oncology ( - | E-ISSN 1758-3284)

84. Health Science Journal (P-ISSN 1108-7366 | - )

85. Hitachi Review (P-ISSN 0018-277X | - )

86. Hygiena (P-ISSN 1802-6281 | E-ISSN 1803-1056)

87. IEJME - Mathematics Education (P-ISSN 1306-3030 | E-ISSN 2468-4945)

88. IIAOB Journal (P-ISSN 0976-3104 | - )

89. Indian Journal of Science and Technology (P-ISSN 0974-6846 | E-ISSN 0974-5645)

90. International archives of medicine ( - | E-ISSN 1755-7682)

91. International Business Management (P-ISSN 1993-5250 | - )

92. International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics ( - | E-ISSN 2223-2877)

93. International Conference on Applied Computer Science – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4863)

94. International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics – Proceedings

95. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4332)

96. International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4324)

97. International conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal Processing – Proceedings

98. International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications – Proceedings

99. International Conference on Communication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic Globalization – Proceedings

100. International Conference on Communications – Proceedings

101. International Conference on Communications and Information Technology – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4316)

102. International Conference on Data Networks, Communications, Computers – Proceedings

103. International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics – Proceedings

104. International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-5061)

105. International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High voltages, Electric machines, International conference on Remote sensing – Proceedings

106. International Conference on Energy and Development, Environment and Biomedicine – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4340)

107. International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies – Proceedings

108. International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, International Conference on Geography and Geology – Proceedings

109. International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, MEQAPS – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4693)

110. International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering – Proceedings

111. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering – Proceedings

112. International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science – Proceedings

113. International conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-507X)

114. International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer – Proceedings ( - | E-ISSN 1792-4359)

115 International Conference on Urban Planning and Transportation – Proceedings

116. International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars, USCUDAR – Proceedings

117. International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation – Proceedings

118. International Education Studies (P-ISSN 1913-9020 | - )

119. International Journal of Advances In Pharmaceutical Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 0976-1055)

120. International Journal of Agricultural Research (P-ISSN 1816-4897 | E-ISSN 2152-2553) 

121. International Journal of Applied Chemistry (P-ISSN 0973-1792 | E-ISSN 0973-9734)

122. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature (P-ISSN 2200-3592 | E-ISSN 2200-3452)

123. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products ( - | E-ISSN 1940-6223)

124. International Journal of Bio Science and Bio Technology (P-ISSN 2233-7849 | - )

125. International Journal of Biological Chemistry (P-ISSN 1819-155X | E-ISSN 2152-2561)

126. International Journal of Biomedical Science (P-ISSN 1550-9702 | E-ISSN 1555-2810)

127. International Journal of Business Research (P-ISSN 1555-1296 | E-ISSN 2378-8577)

128. International Journal of Chemical Sciences (P-ISSN 0972-768X | - )

129. International Journal of Chemtech Research (P-ISSN 0974-4290 | E-ISSN 2455-9555)

130. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (P-ISSN 0974-5572 | - )

131. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research ( - | E-ISSN 0976-822X)

132. International Journal of Drug Delivery ( - | E-ISSN 0975-0215)

133. International Journal of Drug Development and Research (P-ISSN 0975-9344 | - )

134. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (P-ISSN 0974-5904 | - )

135. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (P-ISSN 0377-015X | E-ISSN 2320-5199)

136. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues ( - | E-ISSN 2146-4138)

137. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (P-ISSN 2319-8613 | E-ISSN 0975-4024)

138. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education ( - | E-ISSN 1306-3065)

139. International Journal of Human Genetics (P-ISSN 0972-3757 | - )

140. International Journal of Integrative Biology (P-ISSN 0974-2816 | E-ISSN 0973-8363)

141. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (P-ISSN 1312-8876 | E-ISSN 1314-7579)

142. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 1998-0140) 

143. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers In Simulation ( - | E-ISSN 1998-0159)

144. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (P-ISSN 1975-0080 | - )

145. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography (P-ISSN 0973-2667 | E-ISSN 0974-4827)

146. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 0975-6299)

147. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research ( - | E-ISSN 0975-1556)

148. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research ( - | E-ISSN 0976-044X)

149. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research ( - | E-ISSN 0975-4873)

150. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 0975-1491)

151. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology ( - | E-ISSN 0975-766X)

152. International Journal of Pharmtech Research (P-ISSN 0974-4304 | E-ISSN 2455-9563)

153. International Journal of Phytomedicine ( - | E-ISSN 0975-0185)

154. International Journal of Research In Ayurveda and Pharmacy (P-ISSN 2277-4343 | E-ISSN 2229-3566)

155. International Journal of Security and Its Applications (P-ISSN 1738-9976 | - )

156. International Journal of Smart Home (P-ISSN 1975-4094 | E-ISSN 2383-725X)

157. International Journal of Soft Computing (P-ISSN 1816-9503 | - )

158. International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications (P-ISSN 1738-9984 | - )

159. International Journal of Soil Science (P-ISSN 1816-4978 | - )

160. International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application (P-ISSN 1997-5422 | E-ISSN 2309-9607)

161. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research ( - | E-ISSN 0975-5160)

162. International Journal of Tropical Medicine (P-ISSN 1816-3319 | E-ISSN 1818-779X)

163. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences (P-ISSN 1942-2660 | - )

164. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (P-ISSN 1450-2887 | - )

165. International Review of Management and Marketing ( - | E-ISSN 2146-4405)

166. International Review on Computers and Software (P-ISSN 1828-6003 | E-ISSN 1828-6011)

167. JOP. Journal of the Pancreas (P-ISSN 1590-8577 | - )

168. Journal fur Hypertonie (P-ISSN 1028-2327 | E-ISSN 1680-9378)

169. Journal of Agricultural Food and Environmental Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 1934-7235)

170. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research (P-ISSN 2155-6113 | - )

171. Journal of Analytical Oncology (P-ISSN 1927-7210 | E-ISSN 1927-7229)

172. Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research ( - | E-ISSN 2155-6148)

173. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (P-ISSN 1680-5593 | E-ISSN 1993-601X)

174. Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals (P-ISSN 1948-5964 | - )

175. Journal of Applied Science (P-ISSN 1812-5654 | E-ISSN 1812-5662)

176. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development (P-ISSN 2155-9546 | - )

177. Journal of Bioanalysis and Biomedicine (P-ISSN 1948-593X | - )

178. Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability (P-ISSN 0975-0851 | - )

179. Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy (P-ISSN 1948-5956 | - )

180. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (P-ISSN 0975-7384 | - )

181. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (P-ISSN 0974-2115 | E-ISSN 2349-8552)

182. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology ( - | E-ISSN 2155-9880)

183. Journal of Clinical Engineering (P-ISSN 0363-8855 | - )

184. Journal of Computers (P-ISSN 1796-203X | - )

185. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (P-ISSN 1533-3604 | E-ISSN 1533-3590)

186. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health (P-ISSN 0972-4397 | E-ISSN 0974-0805)

187. Journal of Electrical Engineering ( - | E-ISSN 1582-4594)

188. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (P-ISSN 1798-0461 | - )

189. Journal of Environmental Hydrology (P-ISSN 1058-3912 | E-ISSN 1996-7918)

190. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science (P-ISSN 1816-4927 | E-ISSN 1996-0751)

191. Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications (P-ISSN 1736-5279 | E-ISSN 1736-4337)

192. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 1934-7227)

193. Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research (P-ISSN 1945-3019 | E-ISSN 1936-6264)

194. Journal of International Business and Economics (P-ISSN 1544-8037 | E-ISSN 2378-9174)

195. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce ( - | E-ISSN 1204-5357)

196. Journal of Language and Literature (P-ISSN 2078-0303 | - )

197. Journal of Language Teaching and Research (P-ISSN 1798-4769 | E-ISSN 2053-0684)

198. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (P-ISSN 1549-3644 | E-ISSN 1558-6359)

199. Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology (P-ISSN 1948-5948 | - )

200. Journal of Multimedia (P-ISSN 1796-2048 | - )

201. Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology ( - | E-ISSN 2157-7439)

202. Journal of Networks (P-ISSN 1796-2056 | - )

203. Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications (P-ISSN 2008-1898 | E-ISSN 2008-1901)

204. Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict (P-ISSN 1544-0508 | E-ISSN 1939-4691)

205. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy (P-ISSN 2141-2502 | - )

206. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology (P-ISSN 1816-496X | E-ISSN 2152-100X)

207. Journal of Plant Sciences (P-ISSN 1816-4951 | - )

208. Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics (P-ISSN 0974-276X | - )

209. Journal of Psychohistory (P-ISSN 0145-3378 | - )

210. Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education (P-ISSN 1521-4842 | E-ISSN 1930-8914)

211. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology (P-ISSN 1544-8053 | E-ISSN 2376-578X)

212. Journal of Software (P-ISSN 1796-217X | - )

213. Journal of Software Engineering (P-ISSN 1819-4311 | E-ISSN 2152-0941)

214. Journal of Sustainable Development (P-ISSN 1913-9063 | - )

215. Journal of The International Academy For Case Studies (P-ISSN 1078-4950 | E-ISSN 1532-5822)

216. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (P-ISSN 1544-2896 | - )

217. Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination (P-ISSN 2157-7560 | - )

218. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology (P-ISSN 2157-7579 | - )

219. Kosmetische Medizin (P-ISSN 1430-4031 | - )

220. Larmbekampfung (P-ISSN 1863-4672 | - )

221. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies ( - | E-ISSN 1583-1078)

222. Life Science Journal (P-ISSN 1097-8135 | - )

223. Mathematical and Computational Applications (P-ISSN 1300-686X | E-ISSN 2297-8747)

224. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (P-ISSN 2039-9340 | E-ISSN 2039-2117)

225. Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports (P-ISSN 0931-9735 | - )

226. Mental Health in Family Medicine (P-ISSN 1756-834X | - )

227. Metallurgical and Mining Industry (P-ISSN 2076-0507 | E-ISSN 2078-8312)

228. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (P-ISSN 1990-9233 | E-ISSN 1999-8147)

229. Modern Applied Science (P-ISSN 1913-1844 | E-ISSN 1913-1852)

230. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (P-ISSN 1570-8306 | - )

231. Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations (P-ISSN 1061-5369 | - )

232. Obesite (P-ISSN 1951-5995 | - )

233. Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft (P-ISSN 0945-358X | E-ISSN 1613-7566)

234. Pediatria Catalana (P-ISSN 1135-8831 | - )

235. Pharma Research ( - | E-ISSN 0975-8216)

236. Pharmaceutical Care Espana (P-ISSN 1139-6202 | - )

237. Pravention und Rehabilitation (P-ISSN 0937-552X | - )

238. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (P-ISSN 0204-9155 | - )

239. Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Applied Economics, Business and Development ( - | E-ISSN 2223-5779)

240. Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Educational Technologies ( - | E-ISSN 2223-5787)

241. Quality in Primary Care ( - | E-ISSN 1479-1072)

242. Rassegna di Patologia dell''Apparato Respiratorio (P-ISSN 0033-9563 | - )

243. Research Journal of Allergy (P-ISSN 1819-3390 | E-ISSN 2152-095X)

244. Research Journal of Applied Sciences (P-ISSN 1815-932X | E-ISSN 1993-6079)

245. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (P-ISSN 2040-7459 | E-ISSN 2040-7467)

246. Research Journal of Botany (P-ISSN 1816-4919 | E-ISSN 2152-0461)

247. Research Journal of Business Management (P-ISSN 1819-1932 | E-ISSN 2152-0437)

248. Research Journal of Cardiology (P-ISSN 1819-3404 | E-ISSN 2151-8297)

249. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology (P-ISSN 1819-3420 | - )

250. Research Journal of Information Technology (P-ISSN 1815-7432 | E-ISSN 2151-7959)

251. Research Journal of Medical Sciences (P-ISSN 1815-9346 | E-ISSN 1993-6095)

252. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant (P-ISSN 1819-3455 | E-ISSN 2151-7924)

253. Research Journal of Microbiology (P-ISSN 1816-4935 | - )

254. Research Journal of Parasitology (P-ISSN 1816-4943 | - )

255. | Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 0975-8585)

256. Research Journal of Pharmacology (P-ISSN 1815-9362 | E-ISSN 1993-6109)

257. Research Journal of Phytochemistry (P-ISSN 1819-3471 | E-ISSN 2151-6081)

258. Research Journal of Seed Science (P-ISSN 1819-3552 | E-ISSN 2151-6146)

259. Research Journal of Toxins (P-ISSN 1819-3560 | E-ISSN 2151-7258)

260. Review of European Studies (P-ISSN 1918-7173 | E-ISSN 1918-7181)

261. Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo (P-ISSN 0326-4610 | E-ISSN 1851-3034)

262. Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias (P-ISSN 0717-5698 | E-ISSN 0717-7348)

263. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires (P-ISSN 1773-035X | - )

264. Risk Governance and Control Financial Markets and Institutions (P-ISSN 2077-429X | E-ISSN 2077-4303)

265. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (P-ISSN 1224-5984 | E-ISSN 2248-3942)

266. Sensors & Transducers (P-ISSN 1726-5479 | - )

267. Social Sciences (P-ISSN 1818-5800 | E-ISSN 1993-6125)

268. Space Research Journal (P-ISSN 1819-3382 | - )

269. Tekstil (P-ISSN 0492-5882 | E-ISSN 1849-1537)

270. Telma (P-ISSN 0340-4927 | - )

271. The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents ( - | E-ISSN 2174-9094)

272. Theory and Practice in Language Studies (P-ISSN 1799-2591 | P-ISSN 2053-0692)

273. Trace Elements and Electrolytes (P-ISSN 0946-2104 | - )

274. Translational Biomedicine (P-ISSN 2172-0479 | - )

275. Trends In Medical Research (P-ISSN 1819-3587 | E-ISSN 2151-6065)

276. Turk Serebrovaskuler Hastaliklar Dergisi (P-ISSN 1301-1375 | E-ISSN 2146-9113)

277. Verdauungskrankheiten (P-ISSN 0174-738X | - )

278. Veterinary Research ( - | E-ISSN 1994-4659)

279. WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health ( - |E-ISSN 1743-3525)

280. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment ( - | E-ISSN 1743-3521)

281. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ( - | E-ISSN 1743-3533)

282. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies ( - | E-ISSN 1743-3517)

283. WIT transactions on Modelling and Simulation ( - | E-ISSN 1743-355X)

284. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment ( - | E-ISSN 1743-3509)

285. World Applied Sciences Journal (P-ISSN 1818-4952 | E-ISSN 1991-6426)

286. World Journal of Medical Sciences (P-ISSN 1817-3055 | E-ISSN 1990-4061)

287. World Journal of Modelling and Simulation (P-ISSN 1746-7233 | - )

288. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine ( - | E-ISSN 1109-9518)

289. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems (P-ISSN 2224-266X | E-ISSN 1109-2734)

290. WSEAS Transactions on Communications (P-ISSN 2224-2864 | E-ISSN 1109-2742)

291. WSEAS Transactions on Computers (P-ISSN 2224-2872 | E-ISSN 1109-2750)

292. WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer ( - | E-ISSN 1790-5044)

293. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications ( - | E-ISSN 1790-0832)

294. WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems ( - | E-ISSN 1790-5060)

295. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing (P-ISSN 2224-3488 | E-ISSN 1790-5052)

296. WSEAS Transactions on Systems (P-ISSN 2224-2678 | E-ISSN 1109-2777)

297. Zentralsterilisation - Central Service (P-ISSN 0942-6086 | - )


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