The scientific potential of MMI: Nochnichenko Igor Viktorovych "young teacher-researcher 2016"

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The winner of the University contest "young teacher-researcher 2016"

Igor Nochnichenko

Dr. Art. lecturer in applied fluid mechanics and MMI mehanotroniky

member of the Union of Mechanical Engineers KPI them. Igor Sikorsky.

IV Nochnichenko high level conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes in the following subjects: "Operation and diagnostics hidropnevmosystem", "Manufacturing technology and diagnostics systems hidropnevmopryvodiv" is actively working to restore and modernize the existing laboratory facilities department.

The results of scientific research I.Nochnichenka reflected in more than 76 different scientific papers on the subject: it hydrogen energy and hydrodynamic cavitation accompanied hydro and sonolyuministsentsiyeyu and ferromagnetic damping device and thermostable damping device, and visualization and simulation fluid flow in the hydraulic drive elements and valve-throttling paths and the use of electrohydraulic effect.

Many forces gives academic education of the younger generation of students and pupils, acting supervisor of masters. The research results are reported in scientific conferences and international university levels.

Students and pupils - pupils I.Nochnichenka - more than nine received certificates for participation in competitions and contests. In particular, Vladimir undergraduate Sidletskoho awarded a diploma of second degree in the national competition of scientific works of students from discipline "Computer-aided design and computer modeling in engineering."

Igor, a teacher of PHM involved in conducting classes in "Autumn School of Mechatronics", which opened its doors to high school students high schools, high schools and middle schools. He reads the courses in electrical engineering and modeling. I.Nochnichenko acting expert in Ukraine in the first contest of the "Worldskills Ukraine" within the competence of "Mechatronics" is actively involved in the organization of nationwide student competition "Mechatronics in mechanical engineering."

In 2016 I.Nochnichenko established at the Department of PHM research group "Automation", resulting in fruitful work which has already produced two winners of Olympiads in physics from the Junior Academy of Science - Grades 9-10 students Dovgopol Michael and Nicholas jelly. Credo mentor, maximum efforts for the development and opening of the creative potential of young people.

Even his student Igor cooperates with EDO "Storm" and RTF, comprehensively promote and support its development and manufacturing of experimental research designs and layouts. The results of IV Nochnichenka awarded diplomas rector for significant contribution and inventive activity.

Source article head. Department PHM OF Lugovskiy in


Last modified on Saturday, 17 June 2017 18:18


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