Laboratory of hydraulic automation

510 times

Laboratory of hydraulic machines (1-06_1)
Lecture hall, educational laboratory
Purpose: Providing opportunities for setting up and conducting experiments to establish the operating characteristics of various types of pumps, performing, regulating devices
Area: 76.3 m2
Number of seats: 25
Number of places for laboratory classes: 20
The laboratory contains: 5 didactic stands, models of equipment
Discipline: Hydro- and pneumatic motors of mechatronic systems (3 didactic stands, models of equipment)
Discipline: Volumetric hydraulic and pneumatic machines and hydraulic transmissions (3 didactic stands, models of equipment)
Discipline: Hydraulic automation and control (2 didactic stands, equipment models)
Discipline: Machine-building hydraulic automation (2 didactic stands, equipment models)
Discipline: Electrohydraulic automation in mechatronic systems (2 didactic stands, equipment models)


Last modified on Sunday, 16 October 2022 20:08


Address: 03056, Ukraine, Kiev, prosp.Peremohy, 37, building 1, appartment 299

Phone: +38 097 920 4112  (044) 204-82-54, (044)204-84-64

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