Call us: +38 097 920 4112
Ukrainian is a professional language direction
Ukraine in the context of the historical development of europe
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Practical foreign language course. Part I (English, German, French)
Practical foreign language course. Part II (English, German, French)
Economy and organization of production
Labor protection and civil defense
Introduction to philosophy
Business law
Practical course of foreign (English, German, French) professional language direction. Part I
Practical course of foreign (English, German, French) professional language direction. Part II
Address: 03056, Ukraine, Kiev, prosp.Peremohy, 37, building 1, appartment 299
Phone: +38 097 920 4112 (044) 204-82-54, (044)204-84-64
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.