Gymnasiums Partners

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"Mechatronics in mechanical engineering" is a step towards production systems with open architecture and distributed intelligence.

Conducting a summer school, for a period of 8 days, on the basis of the Applied Fluid Mechanics and Mechanotronics Department "KPI named after I. Sikorsky".

Travel, accommodation and stay in Kyiv during the school are covered by the participants themselves.

Conducting school classes, including work in the department's laboratories and completion of final papers, is free for school participants.

Enrollment in the school takes place in two stages: 1 – electronic registration on the website, 2 – completion of homework assignments in May - June.

The plan of the school provides:

8 working days for 8 hours.

The approximate schedule of the working day includes:

1 hour of theoretical material;

1 hour of practical application of theoretical material;

1(2) hours of work at laboratory stands;

1 hour of work on a practical task;

3(2) hours of work at laboratory stands;

1 hour of practical work, homework.

Approximate content of school lessons by day

element base and mobile platform device;
automated mobile platform with PLC control;
discrete pneumatic automation with pneumatic control;
discrete pneumatic automation with electric relay control;
automated system No. 1 with PLC control, LD language;
automated system No. 2 with PLC control, STL language
automated system No. 3 with PLC control, ST language.

Place of classes - building No. 1, auditorium. 300, aud 300a, aud. 120a, aud 126.

CONTENT. Each subsequent task (practical, laboratory) is built as a supplement to the previous task, which contributes to the assimilation of the material, the formation of a certain architecture of knowledge, and increases the volume of the material learned.

One theoretical approach (structurally modular structure of systems with open architecture) is considered using examples of various technical means (pneumatics, electrical relay circuits, control algorithms).

TEACHERS. School classes will be conducted by leading teachers of the department. For one teacher, the number of students in theoretical classes is no more than 16, in practical classes - no more than 8, in laboratory classes - no more than 4 (two teams of 2 students per one teacher). The organization of the school is based on the 10-year experience of organizing and holding the "Mechanotronics in Mechanical Engineering" Olympiad.

TERMS. The duration of the school is 8 days from June 25 to July 4, 2019 (Sunday is a holiday). The distribution of time according to the subjects of the studies can be adjusted at the request of the school participants.

PROSPECT. At the request of the students of the school, in case of successful assimilation of the basic level of knowledge and skills, there is an opportunity to perform an individual task of increased complexity with an in-depth study of the synthesis of automated systems with open architecture, built according to the cyclic-modular principle.


CONTENT STRUCTURE OF LESSONS. Each subsequent task (practical, laboratory) is built as a supplement to the previous task, which contributes to the assimilation of the material, the formation of a certain architecture of knowledge, and increases the volume of the material learned.

One theoretical approach (structurally modular structure of systems of cyclic action and with parallel architecture of the control algorithm) is considered on the examples of various technical means (pneumatics, electrical relay circuits, control algorithms).


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Last modified on Saturday, 27 May 2023 21:31


Address: 03056, Ukraine, Kiev, prosp.Peremohy, 37, building 1, appartment 299

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