Coronavirus in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute: do not panic!

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As of May 4, in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute two cases of coronavirus have been officially confirmed. The first infected person is an employee of the Scientific and Technical Library, who is currently in hospital. The woman had no contact with university staff.

The second one is a graduate of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute who lived in a dormitory №18. 6 people contacted with her and had already been tested (2 tests - negative, others - expected results).

The students with whom the girl had the contact are now in self-isolation in the dormitory.

"A strict regime of self-isolation was introduced for 6 students who contacted with the infected girl - they do not even go out for food, the volunteers - staff and students who work on duty help them. Twice a day, self-isolated students provide the dormitory manager with information about their health and temperature in Telegram. We still carry out disinfection with chlorine-containing products every day, there are masks and sanitizers on duty, "commented Oleksandr Ishchenko, director of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute campus.

За словами проректорки з навчально-виховної роботи КПІ Наталії Семінської, університет тісно співпрацює з Київською міською студентською поліклінікою, зокрема, у зв'язку із ситуацією, що склалася.

According to Natalia Seminska, the vice-rector of educational work in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the university works closely with the Kyiv City Student Polyclinic, in particular, in connection with the current situation.

The Student Polyclinic encourages students and staff not to panic and follow these recommendations:

  • Follow the rules of quarantine;
  • Keep your distance from neighbours;
  • Wash and disinfect hands;
  • Reduce possible contacts;
  • Avoid travelling;
  • In case of a deterioration of health, be sure to contact a doctor.

After confirmation of the suspicion of coronavirus, the patient, if necessary, is hospitalized or isolated outside the dormitory. Kyiv City Laboratory Center determines the contact persons and the conditions of their isolation. The doctors of the Kyiv City Student Polyclinic monitor the health of contact persons.

The risk for people who have not been identified as contact is minimal.

The dormitory administration provides current disinfection, as well as provides contact persons with personal protective equipment.

The campus is currently waiting for representatives of special services who will carry out disinfection in the dormitory №18.

The university administration urges all students to take the conditions of quarantine seriously and consciously and to be careful.


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