International scientific and technical conference "Hydroaeromechanics in engineering practice"

239 times


Since 1995, the department has held an international scientific and technical conference "Hydroaeromechanics in engineering practice" every year in May.


in which scientists from many cities of Ukraine and abroad (Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, Iran, Algeria, Germany, etc.) take part.


The work of the conference takes place in the form of plenary meetings, sectional discussions and panel reports on current problems of hydroaeromechanics, hydraulic drive, hydropneumatic control systems and mechatronics, and problems of higher engineering education. During the work of the sections, it is planned to hold presentations and exhibitions of the achievements of scientific teams and enterprises.


Duration: - plenary report up to 30 minutes,


- sectional report - 10 min.


Stand reports - on one sheet of A1 format.


Applicants are given the opportunity to make a report on the finished chapters of the dissertation - 10 minutes.


The working languages ​​of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian, and English.




Technical hydromechanics.
Hydropneumatic drive and mechatronic systems.
Hydraulic and pneumatic machines, hydraulic transmissions.
Problems and prospects of development of higher engineering education in Ukraine.


In order to make a decision to include the presented materials in the conference program, the following must be sent to the organizing committee:


you can register on the website;
confirmation of payment of the registration fee (copy of invoice or receipt).
The abstracts of the reports, completed in accordance with the registration requirements of http://, will be printed in the collection of works at the beginning of the conference.


The full texts of reports recommended for publication by the organizing committee (after their hearing), which meet the requirements for professional publications of Ukraine and are completed in accordance with the design requirements, can be published in the specialized collection of scientific articles "Bulletin of NTUU "KPI". Mechanical Engineering Series" and in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Journal "Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics".


Requirements for the design of articles submitted to the organizing committee are posted on the website:




Last modified on Sunday, 16 October 2022 22:54


Address: 03056, Ukraine, Kiev, prosp.Peremohy, 37, building 1, appartment 299

Phone: +38 097 920 4112  (044) 204-82-54, (044)204-84-64

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